Friday 22 July 2011

Summer Fruit Salad....

We think at least twice when we head for sweets...what matters now is inches....but compromise with sweets not always...when the ingredients are skimmed milk,brown sugar and your choice of comes yummy chilled summer fruit salad...make it at your home and make everybody happy....
1.whole milk or skimmed milk
2.sugar or brown sugar
3.4table spoon condensed milk 
4.2table spoon strawberry or raspberry flavored custard powder
5.Apple,strawberry,cherry,choclate bar(half bar of normal dairy milk)
1.Pour milk on a pot and switch on the flame
2.add small amount of milk with custard powder on another small bowl...make sure no lumps remain
3.add the mix with the rest of the milk and boil it well
4.keep stir it frequently dnt take the spatula off the pot,add the condensed milk
5.add sugar and once the sugar is mixed...the milk mix is ready..switch off the flame and let it come to the room temperature
5.cut apple strawberry banana into pieces and put into the serving bowl and add the milk mix
6.grate choclate with a normal cheese grater and pour over the milk mix add few more strawberry pieces for garnishing as shown on the picture.
7.keep in refrigerator before serving  

Note:you can always choose your choice of fruits

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