Friday 22 July 2011

Rasgulla aka. Roshogolla :)

Famous Bengali Sweet loved by the whole nation.

People think making sweet is a hassle and think rasgulla will be really difficult.
Its a myth friends, I have tried and you guys can try to.


Whole Milk (full fat milk)
Muslin Cloth


1. Put the milk in a container
2. Boil the milk
3. Once boiled sqeeze lemon and  mix it well and curl the milk.
4. You can see the fat seperating from the milk.
5. If u can see good lumps in the liquid u know its done.
6. Now take a strainer put the muslin cloth over and seive it to seperate the liquid from the solid.
7. Wash it with cold water. ( need to rinse properly to take out the sour flavor)
8. Squeeze th muslin cloth and try to take out the rest of the liquid.
9. Tie it tightly and hang somewhere for atleast 30 min. (Needs to dry thoroughly)
10.Till then  can make the syrup (chasni) for the rasgulla.
11. Add equal amount of sugar and water in a pressure cooker, also put cardamom for the flavor.
12.Boil it till the liquid becomes little sticky.
13. After 30 min take out the dry chena from the muslin cloth and knead it nicely till it become     smooth for atleast 10 min.
14. Then make equal balls of same size.
15. Put the white balls into the sugar syrup and give it a pressure.
16. After one whistle off the gas and keep it for 2-3 min .
17. Then take the cooker near the sink and pour cold water to release the pressure.
18. Open the cooker and you will see small cotton balls floating.
19. Put in a serving dish and  keep in the Fridge to cool it.

Ready to eat .


  1. Rashogolla, like the most sweets in India will always and forever be a Bengali thing. Remember that Bengali households still are known for their amazing food culture and this fact is known world-wide :)

    tanSEN was bengali my dear friend, so were a lot of other people! want to see the entire list as it stands today? so was subash chandra bose and sri aurobindo :)

    and i can name a million others and i am proud to say our greateness can be exerted beyond our national borders.
    we are the fifth largest speakers!

    here are two lists to shut your mouth

    these guys are not just making India proud but half the world knows about these guys dude :)

    we bengalis have won pretty much every award in the world stage
    you name it we have it and we are damn proud of what we have :)
    its the only country in the world which took rebellion because it couldn't speak its mother tongue and it won! and won so hard that the UN had to adopt that day as the international language day, which celebrates languages from all over the world.

    did you know that the FAMOUS SEARS TOWER is architectured by another bengali?


    Management Trainee, Aircel
    MBA Graduate, IMT Ghaziabad

    ....and yet, look at the person's closed-mindedness!
